Monday, July 21, 2008

Unnecessary Censorship

Hi All,

Just a random post to give you guys a few really funny links I found. By itself, its not really all that disgusting, but to those with a dirty mind... beware ^^. Basically, they take really innocent clips, and blur/censor it for the fun of it.

Enjoy the Videos, and if you get it, you might want to consider washing your mind with soap =P. (America has the best comedy, ever :P)


Thursday, July 17, 2008


Hey People!! It has been quite sometime that we did not meet as a class. Or even hear from one another...? HAha.. Therefore, Azie and me was thinking why not let's have a class gathering? Was thinking next week? Most prob Saturday so that we guys can attend too....? LOL. Sorry ah, army. Haha. But we cant think of any activity or activities? Haha. Any suggestions? Maybe you guys can bring up in this blog? Ok, Cya everyone soon!

~ Kenneth
BTW, I've changed my blog address, hehe to Do visit. =p