Monday, January 21, 2008

some UNCOMMON pics...

Warning: these pics are for entertainment purpose. pls enjoy!

pringles kitten mascot.

wait..i'm floating!

hhmmm... got viagra?

err..i'm full

a perfect con team.

drunk-ed hicc pumpkin

erosion control.

it's just a water balloon!

chair made of CDs
tat's a genius idea!
signing off, azie

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Our Pics.

I was looking at the pictures i took this two years, and many fond memories resurfaced. haha.

It has been great, very great. haha...

So i guess i'll share a few of the pics? haha.

I'll first do some of the pics we took in J1. The pictures are in a weird chronological order... So bear with it.



In this pic, i was wondering what Sarah was looking at.. She looks scared. [J1 end, PW OP period]
Proof of how we work. Silei taking a pic (i think) of SK taking a pic of me taking a pic of her. Messy stuff. [Also PW period]
"Housefly." haha.. Sarah...

I was honestly teasing the dung out of Josh and Weilin then... haha. [Day we sent Michelle off, Dec 2006] They were trying to avoid the cam together. haha..
Weilin in Woodlands civic centre mac. We were doing PW's GPP chapter 3. haha.
Miss Lim's pic for her teacher's day card.
The post promo BBQ. I posted this pic because SK looks cute in it.. haha, charcoal faced.
Another one, at Kenneth's condo.
Sarah and Bingshao. We were PW-ing.

The Sentosa trip.
Azu is buried. haha.
A few of our girls.
Miss Chung in the comp lab, as always, we were not paying attention during PW.

In this pic, i believe Azu was posing as Paul Twohill. haha.. We were at Toa payoh, around Xiu-li's house.


These are only a few of the pics i took.

But there were quite nice. haha..

I was looking at the many PW pics, and i feel a little guilty. haha, for Mdm Lin. Wah. We were really mean to her man. haha.. And also mean to KK when we paired him with her. haha...


Well, i may post more pics soon, in the mean time, keep the blog alive! Post pics, vids or anything!


I miss you guys!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hello all. I can't help but decide to post afunny commercial! I know, I know...Just one!The twist is amazingly hilarious! Enjoy!


Thursday, January 10, 2008

sign language

hi all! i think the blog's becoming my personal blog already! =DDD

anyway, josh's taking japanese lessons now, so i was kinda inspired to pick up another language. went to the lib n found "SIGN LANGUAGE FOR DUMMIES". just the right thing for me! =D it's quite interesting leh! =Dthe author went into detail to help us understand the plight of the deaf or hard of hearing ( cannot say hearing impaired, deaf and dumb, or deaf mute! ) excerpt from the "what's it like to be deaf>" section:

" i head towards the door- toward the world of sounds and to the world of ignorance. [...] i drive to the food market. people do not see me as different. as i walk up and down the aisle, sometimes i stop to read the labels on the packages. sometimes people come up behind and say, "excuse me." they might repeat this several times and then become angry when i don't move, thinking i'm being rude. [...] you can't tell i'm deaf just by looking at me! the result? sometimes people become impatienr, annoyed, and verbally or physically abusive."

i shrank up and thought back about the times i had been impatient with ppl who seem to refuse to budge. ahhhh~ guilty! LOL.

that's all!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


look carefully.... this is what we call a growth SPURT! =DDDD


wahaha!!! =DD i hope u can see!!! =DD cool right! =DD lol, ok i've been told to take credit for the idea! =DDD it's cus i was telling sarah of how whn i was young, i'll sit with my knees up thn slip my shirt over so it'll look like i have humongous boobs! =D n after reading she just... ya =D n HERE's the end results!! =DD LOL!

Monday, January 7, 2008


Here are a few jokes a friend sent me. Haha, damn funny..


A woman wakes up and tell her husband, "I dreamed you gave me a beautiful pearl necklace for our anniversary. What do you think it means?"

"You'll know tonight." he replies with a smile.

That evening, the man comes home with a small package and gives it to his wife. Delighted, she opens it.

Inside is a book entitled The Meaning of Dreams.


A waman walked up to a little old man rocking in a chair on his porch.

"I couldn't help but notice how happy you look". she said."What's your secret for a long and happy life."

"I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day, "he said, "I drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods and don't exercise."

"That's amazing." the woman said. "How old are you ?"



A drunk man stumbles across an evangelical mass-baptism service next to a river. He wades into the water and stands next to the preacher.

"My son, are you ready to find Jesus?" the preacher asks.

"Yeah,sure" says the drunk.
The preacher dunks him under the water for a spilt second and pulls him back up. "Have you found Jesus?"
"No, I didn't". say the drunk.
The preacher dunks him under the water for just a bit longer. "Have you found Jesus?" he asks the man again.
"No. I have not Reverend."
The preacher holds the man under for more than 30 seconds. "By all the saints". he says. "Have you found Jesus this time?"
The drunk splutters, wipes his eyes and says in exasperation. "Look, are you sure this is where he fell in?'".



Saturday, January 5, 2008


people go through many stages of life...

you start out like this:

then proceed on to enjoy ur first few years as a homosapien:

went through a few birthdays:

then suddenly! strange, unexplainable things happen to you!! (roughly during the age of 12-14?):

(i hope you get it pam! =D)

but no matter what you look like, the birthdays must go on:

even until today... :

(don't bother counting =))

Have a fantastic birthday PAM! =DD

the most DUTIFUL welfare rep,

sk =D

p/s: the babies!! SO CUUUTTTEEE!!! go flickr n see more!!! (just type baby) *SUBLIMES!!*

Friday, January 4, 2008

GP essay

It has been some time, one month or so, since the end of the 'A' levels. More than two months after the GP ordeal.

I was a little bored so i searched for "gp essay" on yahoo!, and the following is from the second site i visited.

Remember the tonnes of GP essays we used to write? I sorta forgotten how one looks like, so i decided to post this. haha.. A good essay.

MEAL and all. haha...

So fun.

Here it goes!


'The death penalty is justified because it - and it alone - pays proper respect to the importance of human life.' What is your view on this?

Much has often been said about the sanctity of human life. The gift of life is a privilege bestowed upon us. Even though each life may tread different roads, encounter different experiences, there is one fact that binds all lives together - we only live once.

The quality of life, however, is a variable factor that is sometimes beyond our mortal means of control. It is undeniable, though, that everyone is entitled to an equal shot at the myriad of chances life presents to us. Out of this whole concept of the sanctity and sacredness of life arises the debate on capital punishment, or the death penalty.

There are those who despise the death penalty for its apparent cruelty and the finality that it implies, and yet others who look upon it as the ideal and only way to pay proper respect to the importance of human life. But the pertinent issue that we must examine here today is whether the death penalty is truly justified in its execution and also if it is the only, and ultimately, the most suitable means of paying homage to the value of human life.

Today, approximately ninety countries around the world still retain the death penalty. This includes China, Islamic countries, Singapore, as well as thirty seven states of the United States. The controversy surrounding this form of criminal punishment has never faltered over the years, however, as people call into question the humanity of terminating a criminal's life.

Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly states: "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person." It is on this basis that many anti-death penalty activists argue their case, by claiming that the government flagrantly disregards the sanctity of human life by disallowing the criminals their right to live. Then there are those who claim that the death penalty is hypocritical because while it sends out a message that murder is a crime that should be condemned, the government is doing precisely what it condemns by murdering the criminal. Yet others bring out the seeming futility of executing criminals; they preach peace and forgiveness, and despise the death penalty for its seeming emphasis on vengeance.

Surely these are valid arguments. And clearly they have their own logic. However it is my own personal belief that the death penalty is justified not only in its punishment of criminals, but also as the most respectable way to uphold the sanctity of human life. It must be understood that the death penalty is only meted out in cases which involve murder. When a criminal goes so far as to commit the crime of murder, he is obviously exhibiting his disregard for the victim's right to life. Human rights are a contract deal. Freedoms of individuals should, theoretically, be respected and unhindered but it cannot, and must not, infringe on another's rights. If one takes away the right to life of another person (as murder clearly does), at that moment he himself has already forfeited his right to life.

Instead let us examine how the death penalty serves to protect the people, and why in the administration of the death penalty, it is not hypocritical. There are the four tenets of justice - retribution, rehabilitation, deterrence, and incapacitation. Out of the above four, the death penalty clearly satisfies three, with only the exception of rehabilitation. And this is only so because the criminal in question here does not even deserve a chance at rehabilitation because of the gross nature of his crime. To examine the relation between the death penalty and the respect for human life, let us assume that the criminal is truly guilty of his offense, thus eliminating much of the debate about the sentencing innocents to the death row. In any case, it must be remembered that there are at least 28 mandatory procedures that the criminal goes through before reaching the death sentence, and as such the likelihood of sentencing the wrong person to death is very low. It is possible, but nonetheless very rare.

Firstly, the death penalty pays proper respect to the importance of the life of the victim. While others may dismiss this as vengeance and that killing the perpetrator of the crime will in no way bring back or even compensate the loss of an innocent, the view from the other side of the coin may be such that this act of retribution will not only bring consolation to the victim's family that justice has been done, but also act as an effective deterrent to potentially dangerous characters in society such that they think twice before committing such a hideous crime. It is even in the Bible that retribution is one of the most effective means of punishment. Exodus 21/23 says "And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot." How, and why should one give so much concern and respect for a murderer and pardon him from the death row when he himself could not pardon his victim from death?

The death penalty also pays respect to the murderer's life. How so, one may ask, could it be that we are respecting the murderer's life when one is forcibly taking it away cruelly? It is presumed that the murderer in question is guilty in this case to have reached the level of being passed the death sentence. As such, punishment must be meted out. If not the death sentence, he will surely be passed lifetime imprisonment with hard labour, without parole. While it has been frequently debated what kind of mercy this is in comparison to death, what kind of life then does it leave the murderer? To live each day with the knowledge of his crime and guilt eating at him? How much more mercy is it, to jail him in a living tomb, to waste the rest of his life away in monotonous toil, without the small pleasures of life others are entitled to enjoy, depriving him and making him suffer? Is it not comparable to being one of the living dead? If accorded the death penalty, his torture and pain would over in a few minutes, and his death would be a rapid one. John Stuart Mills too said the death penalty was "the least cruel mode in which it is possible adequately to deter from the crime… in our horror in inflicting death, we devise some punishment… with a deterrent force comparable to death… this is far more cruel in reality."

Lastly, the death penalty accords due respect to the rest of society. The death penalty puts away criminals for good, most of them hard-core and repeat offenders, and thus protects society from these undesirable characters. Ultimately, it is one of the best ways to respect the safety and liberty of the people by allowing them to roam the streets without fear in their hearts for their lives and safety. Besides the obvious incapacitated state of the convicted, the deterrence effect of the death penalty is also far from negligible. Numerous studies in the United States (like Utah from 1976 to 1988) showed a noticeable drop in murder rates in the months directly following any execution. The death penalty helps to keep the streets, and innocents, safe.

The debate on the death penalty will never go away. It is my belief, however, that it is justified because it alone pays proper respect to the importance of human life. It respects the human life of the victim, the life of the convicted, as well as those of the innocents. The game of life must be played, and those who flout the rules and cheat by killing off other players must pay the price, however expensive. This price is death. 40/50 (A1): Content 23/30, Expression 17/20. -->

happily married

Xiao Keng Chung & Sarah Koh


=DD ELLO dudes! =D how has life been so far WITHOUT ME? *strains ears and hears pathetic weeping** aww, not too good i see? it's ok don't cry, u have the cls pic! =) can always stare at the sk inside thr!! osh, n stop thinking about me pls =) i've been sneezing my lungs out. =)

new year's eve was spent at edwin's house countdowning! to those who couldn't make it: i hate u ppl, =) but i still wish u a fantastic new year ahead !! =) we spent that night eating, watching movies, PLAYING MAPLE (wth...=.= LOL =DD), and playing truth or dare, AKA, the LET'S-JUST-MAKE-UP-A-REASON-TO-KISS-EACH-OTHER game. (azu kissed me on the ELBOW ok omg!) i think i'll be slaughtered if i be explicit about the game here. but oh well~ it makes good black mail content =) so ya, if anyone's interested in knowing who did what, just email me! ;) there's always room for negotiations! WOOTS, so in all, that was a pretty fun celebration right? ( of cus the main factor lies in the author of this post la~)

now now, the blog's meant as a medium for us to kp in touch right? so let's help this blog fulfil it's holy mission bah. i wanna what u guys are doing!! ( yes, i mean everything!! u can talk about how u slaughtered ur enemy on maple, or how u pretended u had a gun and went around shooting in ur house ;) =D *wriggle eyebrows**

i'll start the ball rolling!

as some of u might know, i am now working (sort of) as a teacher. will be spending a month as a teaching intern at swiss cottage before heading off to pj for bio remedial lessons. just completed my 3 days training at nie: the 1st day wasn't very enjoyable as i had to endure a - (deleted lol, =D i just realised there might be teachers reading this! plus i dun wana be sued =DD)-> [modified] a not very stimulating course of lessons for a V LONG day... but the 2nd and 3rd days were pretty enlightening. i'll just talk about the 3rd day (today):

for today's finale, we had 3 guest speakers sharing with u the meaning of being a teacher. there was the usual ___ (cldn't find a word) to attract us to be teachers. (they had FANTASTIC FOOD as well!! so shiok!- i get 2 teabreaks and a lunch of good food evday, which i suspect was to this purpose HAHA joking) lol, that's being a bit unfair la. the speakers were actually very enlightening and convincing. the most enriching component was a sharing by the principal of the northlight school. here's abit of bg info: northlight school (NLS) is a school that was officially started in jan 2007. it caters specifically to students with weak academic abilities and have failed the psle for a few times. it has a modified curriculum focusing on ict skills rather than the academics. well, the principal was one of those lady whom you might pass off as, experienced, probably quite wise, but probably not fantastically interesting enough for us to absorb that wisdom off her.

-- i was wrong. she started the speech by telling us, "i didn't prepare any ppt slides unlike the others. i'm just here to talk." then she commanded us to stand up and stretch to wake us up lol... cus i think she saw some of us nodding off. so my first impression of her was: internal groann. but after that, she went on to describe the setting up of northlight and how she was the culprit responsible for the implementation of spa. lol. despite the fact that she wasn't a very fluent public speaker, she was incredibly interesting. this was probably because of the stories of her pupils. her stories were of an inspiring nature, they highlighted that there was good in humanity. she was telling us about how as a new principal, she boldly refused to have people posted to her school (the usual mtd) and announced that she wanted ppl to apply instead. the large response was heartening. she then went on to explain the northlight crest. it has a midnight blue background with a rising star. she said (to her students): "there are stars whether it's night or day, just that stars shine more brightly at night. just like the stars, you must fight through ur difficulties. the harder it gets for u, the brighter u will shine- just like how the star shines its brightest when the night is darkest." northlight was meant to represent how the school will be the guiding light for her students. cool eh?

then she recounted the story of this little boy who failed psle multiple times and was labelled somewhat as a troublemaker in school. the boy's brother (breadwinner) used to beat him up everytime he received a complaint, or a failure in a test/ exam. he transferred to northlight, and at their parent teacher meeting, the little boy, for the first time in his life, passed his exams. his brother hugged him! he then went up to the principal and said "thank you! today's the first day i felt what it was like to receive a hug!" so sweet isn't it? it got me thinking.. i have always led a pretty sheltered life. while i was aware that in every race there were winners and losers, it never really occurred to me what happens to the recurrent "losers" of the academic race- esp in s'pore. she took us through this pic slideshow of the school's activities: the school looked like any other school. they had speech day and academic awards. i then realised how especially sweet it must've felt for them, to taste success for the first time. to be able to go through school without being inevitably discriminated against as the "repeat" (quite rare in pri sch). inspiring isn't it? lol... now i sound like i'm preaching n trying to lure more ppl to teach. =D haaa, i'm just reflecting la, so pls pardon my grandmother story. i suffer from the "blogger's endless rant syndrome" u see. yea, so that's that. there was a few more interesting stories but i won't go on. (i hear you eileen (if u're reading)=DD haha, yea i know, i should shut up =DD )

i'll be posting my thoughts about my short stint as a teacher, so i'm hoping to see some of your stuff!! EVERYTHING! like when u go out n see a nice xmas tree n take a pic or sth. (i know thr're no more xmas tree la! stop laughing! cldn't find anythg else to quote ma! =DDD) please keep the blog alive!! and the spirit of s05 even more alive!! (CORNNNAAYYY!!) OHOHOHO

call me ms koh! =D (joking! i'll whack u if u do call me that lor, so paiseh!)

p/s: that was looong~